
A new bright spot in the sunny and windy land of Ninh Thuan

(KTSG Online) – BIM Group’s green economic complex including renewable energy production combined with salt production is bringing many positive changes to a sunny, windy and arid land like Ninh Thuan.

Ninh Thuan province is located in the South Central Coast region with a natural area of ​​about 3,355.3 km2, the population density is only about 177 people/km2 by the end of 2020, of which the majority are ethnic minorities. The climatic conditions here are very harsh due to the unpredictable situation of droughts and floods. Local people often joke when interpreting the place name Phan Rang, the capital of Ninh Thuan province, as a place with “the wind like thunder and the sun like roasting”.

Before Resolution No. 41/2009/NQ-QH12 of the National Assembly on investment policy of Ninh Thuan nuclear power project was promulgated, the province’s socio-economic situation faced many difficulties, growth quality and economic competitiveness is still low.

Specifically, per capita income was only 10.3 million VND in 2009, less than half of the national average. Budget revenue reached 584.4 billion VND while the poverty rate was 12.2%.

In that context, BIM Group started to invest in development, exploitation and production with the three largest salt fields in this locality, Quan The, Ca Na and Tri Hai since 2006.

With the orientation to improve the value of salt grains, the enterprise has maximized mechanization of the mining process on a large scale. In particular, successfully tested and put into application HDPE tarpaulin coating technology, improving the efficiency and quality of salt exploitation.

Photo: H. Thang

“This technology allows the salt to crystallize for 3-4 months instead of just 15 days as in the traditional way. At the same time, we build a system to check and control salt quality so that the product output is always guaranteed,” said Mr. Le Minh Tri, deputy director of Ninh Thuan Salt Joint Stock Company under BIM Group.

With this investment, Mr. Tri said the amount of salt produced by the enterprise now contributes 60% of the country’s salt production each year. In addition, more than 1,000 local workers, from salt miners by manual methods, have become professional salt miners. The tarpaulin coating technology is also widely shared by the business with local salt producers.

Still on an area of ​​2,500 hectares, which is exploiting industrial salt at Quan The, in April 2019, BIM Energy Company of BIM Group put into operation a cluster of 3 solar power plants after more than 10 years of surveying and planning new solar power plants. suitable land. In September 2021, BIM Energy continues to commercially operate BIM Wind Power Plant with a capacity of 88MW, marking the formation of a model of a Green Economic Complex including renewable energy combined with industrial salt production here.

More than 1 million solar panels produce more than 668 million KWh of electricity per year, meeting the needs of 200,000 households and together with wind power plants, these items have created stable income jobs for nearly 200 workers.

As for the Quan The salt field, the output is about 400,000 tons per year, the revenue is 356 billion VND and the budget is 7.75 billion VND. The salt field also employs more than 900 workers, mostly local.

These investments have contributed to changing people’s lives here. According to the monitoring report of the Economic Committee of the 15th National Assembly, mechanisms and policies to attract investment have helped reduce the number of poor households in the province from 23,767 households in 2016 to 8,280 households in 2021.

Mr. Trieu Dinh Vuong, a worker at Ca Na Ninh Thuan Salt Joint Stock Company, belonging to the Renewable Energy Complex combined with salt production (Combination) of BIM Group, said that he used to work in construction in Ho Chi Minh City with a high salary. income is higher but not stable. Since returning to his hometown to work, in addition to a stable monthly salary, the company also pays social insurance, health insurance and buys additional occupational accident insurance, so his life and family are more stable. than before.

“This treatment helps us to settle down with peace of mind in our own land,” said Mr. Vuong.

Similarly, Mr. Tran Xuan Phong, a construction worker at the complex, also expressed his desire to stick with salt production for a long time. “I feel secure with the remuneration system at the company. This year has reached retirement age, but if the company approves, I still want to stay and work,” he said.

Photo: H. Thang

Through many working places, initially, a cotton farm, then Ninh Thuan Salt Joint Stock Company, which is BIM Salt Production and Processing Joint Stock Company from 2007. Mr. Cao Van Tuyen, excavator driver, also affirmed that his current job helps him to take care of his family.

Twenty years ago, when he was still a cotton farmer, his family's economy and other households were poor. Since cotton cultivation depended on water, so it only took six months to plant trees in a year, the remaining six months cotton farmers did not have jobs.

Since Ninh Thuan Salt Company was established and then continued to develop by BIM Group, the lives of local people have changed positively.

"The life of the people here is currently being stable, about 80-90% of people working in BIM Group's complex, so that the poverty rate is no longer," said Tuyen.

Photo: H. Thang

Bên cạnh mục tiêu ổn định đời sống người dân địa phương, BIM Group dự kiến sẽ xây dựng hệ thống đào tạo lao động kỹ thuật cao để phục vụ việc vận hành các nhà máy sản xuất năng lượng tái tạo của doanh nghiệp tại Ninh Thuận.

Ông Nguyễn Hậu Hữu, Giám đốc Dự án điện gió của BIM Group, cho biết một nhà máy điện mặt trời 50 MW sẽ có khoảng 20 cán bộ làm việc trong giai đoạn vận hành, tương đương với 0,4 việc làm/MW.

“Khoảng 20 GW công suất Việt Nam lắp đặt trong vòng 20 năm sẽ tương đương với 160.000 việc làm. Con số 20 GW xấp xỉ công suất lắp đặt điện mặt trời trong giai đoạn 2019-2020, bao gồm cả điện mặt trời áp mái”, ông Hữu nói.

Về định hướng dài hạn, ông Đoàn Quốc Huy, Phó Chủ tịch Hội đồng Quản Trị Tập đoàn BIM Group kiểm Tổng Giám đốc BIM Energy, cho biết tập đoàn sẽ tiếp tục phát triển những dự án và nhà máy mới nhằm nâng cao giá trị kinh tế của mô hình tổ hợp kinh tế với những sản phẩm kết hợp giữa lợi thế doanh nghiệp, triển vọng phát triển ngành và đặc trưng của địa phương, qua đó hoàn thiện mô hình tổ hợp kinh tế xanh tại Ninh Thuận.

Photo: H. Thang

“Mô hình tổ hợp kinh tế xanh mà chúng tôi triển khai tại Quán Thẻ tiếp tục khẳng định chiến lược đầu tư kinh doanh gắn với giá trị sáng tạo và bền vững mà tập đoàn đã theo đuổi từ những ngày đầu”, ông Huy nói.

Cũng theo ông Huy, phát triển bền vững là tiêu chí trong mọi hoạt động của doanh nghiệp, bao gồm bất động sản, lĩnh vực mũi nhọn của BIM Group trong gần 30 năm qua. Các dự án bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng của tập đoàn tại Hạ Long, Phú Quốc nhận chứng nhận quốc tế về tiêu chuẩn xanh như chứng chỉ EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) của IFC thuộc Nhóm Ngân hàng Thế giới.

Tập đoàn cũng đã thiết lập hệ thống khung quản lý tài chính xanh (Green Financing Framework) với đơn vị tư vấn độc lập. Đặc biệt, năm 2021, BIM Group đã huy động được 200 triệu đô la Mỹ trái phiến xanh (green bond) tại Singapore cho các dự án đầu tư bền vững, mang lại lợi ích cho môi trường.

Theo KTSG Online


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A new bright spot in the sunny and windy land of Ninh Thuan

(KTSG Online) – BIM Group’s green economic complex including renewable energy production combined with salt production is bringing many positive changes to a sunny, windy and arid land like Ninh Thuan.


Science be the lead and financial resources must be the lever, promoting the transformation of the development model towards a green, circular economy.